Jamy Woodruff: “your company will face a breach within five years”

Keynote speaker Jamy Woodruff gaf tijdens het congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer 2017 een interessante lezing over de verrassende adviezen van Europe’s No 1 Ehtical Hacker voor de financiële sector. Na afloop vroegen wij hem welke grote gevaren bedrijven te wachten staan op het gebied van Cyber Security en wat hij, indien hij bedrijfsdirecteur was, zou veranderen aan het huidige beleid op het gebied van Cyber Security. Ten slotte had Jamy 1 belangrijke tip aan bedrijven. Wat deze tip is? Lees het in onderstaand interview of bekijk het video-interview.

What is the biggest dilemma that companies are facing right now regarding cyber security?

I think the biggest warn for companies nowadays is their employees. You can spend millions of pounds on infrastructure. But at the end of the day if employees are not aware, not trained, not educated within cyber security it’s going to lead to a bridge, you know? As I said in my speech earlier, cyber security is evolution in a sense. So just be very aware and very educated towards cyber security.

If you were the boss of a big company, what would be the first thing you would change?

If I was the boss of a company, a large co-operate entity, I think the biggest one for me would be, making sure my employees understand the infrastructure, making sure they understand their roles within that infrastructure, making sure that employees just have access to the you know, the equipment. And the levels of roles that they need within sight my organization. And then encourage the employees to find weaknesses within my infrastructure.

I’d probably reward my employees for helping out and actually finding that as well. So it could be over the weekend, you can invite all the IT guys in and give them pizza and beer, and then say you attack my infrastructure. See what you can find, see what the biggest weakness is you can find and let’s you know patch them, let’s work together. So I think from that level of perspective, would be.

But it would be also making sure that they understand the fact that I’m there. When they need me at the most in a sense. And I listen in another aspect, so it’s not just the case of, well take it I’m bored. It’s a case of no we’ll implement it with the board.

If you could give one tip to all the companies that are watching this video, what would it be?

Don’t be too aware in that sense of the fact that you think it won’t occur, or that you wont get breached. I guarantee you, that your company will face a breach within five years. I guarantee it, whether that’s a tiny breach, you know whether that’s a large breach. I very much guarantee, I bet my whole salary for the year that I guarantee it.

So it’s just, don’t be stubborn, you know? Take it on board that the fact that you’re a risk, in a sense your industry is a risk, you know? You need to mitigate that risk, you need to mitigate the hackers, you need police to protect your physical security, you need ethical hackers like me to protect your online security.


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