“The payment sector needs security in order to provide a stable future”

Michael Salmony is werkzaam bij equensWorldline als Executive Adviser. Tijdens de 18de editie van het congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer gaf hij een lezing over The business potential of PSD2 … and what to do about it? Na afloop van zijn lezing stelde wij hem nog een aantal vragen. Want hoe denkt hij dat de veiligheid van betalingssector in de toekomst gegarandeerd kan blijven? En welke partij zal de drijvende kracht zijn achter innovaties?

Lees of bekijk het interview met Michael Salmony:

What do you think the payment sector needs in order to provide a stable future?

Well I think there can only be one answer to that and that is security. Because everybody wants to keep their money safe. And so we want to make sure that however much innovations we do, we still make sure that it is all protected and only money moves when the user really wants it. And people can only look at my transaction history to see what I’m spending money on, if I really give consent. So I think security must be the number one.

What is your personal dill?

Personal dilemma seems to be the regulatory timeline quite honestly, PSD2 came out about two years ago and ever since then with wanting it to get ahead. And lots of banks want to get ahead and nudgens and FinTechs. But there are still many discussions on the regulatory level, delays; things that are not clear, things are bouncing back and forth between regulators. So that is a bit of a problem, we’d really like to get going and want some certainty.

What are your expectations on that topic?

Well I’m sure it will get sorted, the only thing that I’m worried about is that other geographies who are watching your opens and saying, this is a really good idea, opening banking and doing open payments. We’ll adopt a good idea but we’ll do a more pragmatic way of doing this. And then although you’re of course ahead at the moment with this opening up, actually Japan and China and India and the U.S. may overtake us. So we really need to get to move on.

Who do you think will be the biggest drive for these innovations?

Well it’s, hopefully well everybody will get behind this, so the banks have an interest, that the customers use their services more, that the account is the center of all activity, the FinTechs want to develop new business models. We consumers all want a more convenient way of paying and of working online. So I think we are all driving that and we hope that all will be the beneficiaries of this in the end.

Meer informatie?

Op 14 juni 2018 wordt alweer de 19de editie van het Congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer georganiseerd!
Bezoek de website voor meer informatie over het: Congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer

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